Pregnancy related discomfort is not fun

Cana Buttenschön

Unsere Gründerin

Cana Buttenschøn ist seit 2009 Hebamme. Sie hat mehrere Bestseller über Schwangerschaft, Geburt und das Leben als frischgebackene Mutter geschrieben. Als erste (und einzige) Dänin überhaupt hat sie eine Produktzusammenarbeit mit den dänischen Apotheken initiiert und gilt als Expertin für die Pflege von Schwangeren und Neugeborenen.

Get rid of your pregnancy symptoms

At Cana Care, we have carefully selected products that can help alleviate some of the most common pregnancy symptoms. Fatigue, soreness, and for some, the terrible nausea that often plagues (all too many) weeks of pregnancy. For example, because you are pregnant, your body has a high demand for magnesium, and if you happen to be deficient in it, you can easily become imbalanced, feeling tired, unwell, nauseous, experiencing muscle cramps and increased urge to urinate. As a pregnant woman, especially if you suffer from nausea, an easy way to supply magnesium is through the skin, where this salty mineral is also absorbed by the body. And that - and much more - is, of course, something we can help you with.

Good products for pregnant women

Your sleep is important.

REST helps you ❤️

Many pregnant women struggle with sleep problems: restlessness, nighttime urination, and leg cramps are the reality for most. As if you weren't tired enough already!

Repair - A Versatile balm for Many Uses

Repair - A Versatile Salve for Many Uses Repair is one of the best-selling products from Cana Care, and it's no wonder why! Shortly after its launch, we started receiving...

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Get more well-being in your everyday life, even while you are pregnant.

Pregnancy encompasses your entire daily life, and we want you to feel comfortable all the way. Our products not only alleviate discomfort but also enhance your overall well-being. Natural and soothing ingredients can help improve your sleep quality and reduce discomfort, such as lower back pain, which many pregnant women experience as the pregnancy progresses. Let us help you overcome these discomforts so you can create unforgettable memories with your little miracle. You deserve the best loving care, and we are here to support you on your journey to meeting your little life miracle.

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